Sunday, 12 August 2012

I'm back!

I know I haven't posted in a long, long while (and I'm not sure who I'm talking to - I doubt I have "regular" readers as that would require me posting with any regularity).  But the pottery has returned to my life, and so I will attempt to write about it once more!

I am deeply grateful to my incredibly generous boyfriend who is letting me use an extra room as my studio.  I am slowly acquiring the things I need to put it together; so far I have a wheel and a small shelving unit.  I am launching a kickstarter (hopefully within a week) to see if I can get a) funding for the remaining things (kiln, kiln furniture, wedging table, glazes, shelving units) and b) tons of things to make right away to get back in the swing of things - everyone who donates to my kickstarter will get at least one piece of pottery, which will be SO MUCH FUN.

I hope to post on here more once I have bats for my wheel (couldn't get the damn pins out, sadly - I dislike throwing on bats but I admit that it is more practical in many ways, especially when the bat pins are stuck in the wheel) and I hope that that will be on Tuesday.

I cannot wait to start really throwing - I've made an inspiration wall of pictures of pottery from Ceramics Monthly magazine.  It is, so far, living up to its name extremely well.

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