Saturday, 13 October 2012

Update: finally getting underway!

Hi everyone!

After a few weeks in limbo regarding my kiln, it looks like I may (fingers crossed) have finally found somewhere for it to live. We're working out the details in the next week or so, and hopefully having an electrician up during that time to evaluate/hook up anything that's not already ready. So firing could begin as early as the 23rd or so!

In the meantime, I've ordered clay and glazes, and am going to sit down and make a whole lot of pieces today! My schedule has been eating my life, but now that things are moving I'm hoping to get a lot of your pieces made and shipped in the next month.

Thank you to everyone who's filled out a survey, and if you pledged in the higher reward tiers, don't worry if you haven't received a survey yet - I'm doing them in phases so I'm not too overwhelmed all at once.

Thanks again for helping me out, and soon you'll get to see the fruits of your support!


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